sunnuntai 31. heinäkuuta 2011

Another blurry weekend

Moro! Viikonloppufotoja tässä vaan....

Wazzup everybody! Just some random weekend photos today...
I had fun in Picnik again, with my friday- look ^^ (....Hmmmh that white hair suits me I think....)
But yes, I just put some pink sections in my hair - going to buy pink extensions next week, when I get the next paycheck. THEN I will FINALLY dye my hair all pink!
Look how cute polka dot purse/ bag I found! It looks like little panties haha =D I`m re-decorating my whole handbag, and in this I will put medicines and other healthy products I always keep with me ^_^
My favourite bracelet right now - I cant remember if I showed this earlier, but it`s also new anyway.
OH YESSS! Our brand new FULL HD video camera! Well, this one wasn`t actually the cheapest one, but it was clearly the best! Now we`re gonna shoot some great videos all the time, haha! ^^ It`s also very small, light and easy to use. The picture is unbeliavable steady even when zooming very close to objects. Maybe I`ll shoot some tutos soon =DD
My Saturday outfit - it has been taken very late at evening, that`s why it´s so dark. We decided to go to the city center and check out Down by the laituri - music festival. It lasted almost the whole week, and it`s one of the main events in Turku, every year.
First we were sitting by the riverside - the atmosphere was great, but the weather turned out quite cold =O We were almost freezing there!
I know, my hair looks soooo funny and stupid in this ^_^ Well, that stiff fake smile clearly gets the second place ahahaa, =)) 
Sorry about these blurry pics, I didn`t use flash or night shot even I shoul`ve. CHECK OUT that benji jumper at the night sky! God they screamed so loud, I would never everEVER do that!!
We weren`t really celebrating there as most of the people, just checking the place out. The actual festival place is a little bit further from here.
There was also this bar tent there, and the guest were such snobs I think haha ^^ We just walked by this and accidentally ended up sneaking to the festival area with large beer bags - bringing alcohol there is strictly forbidden, and they checked everybody`s bags. But there was no guard then hahaha!
And today just wondered around. Because it was Sunday, I didn`t care to dress up that much - simply black, but I did have this new dress on!
We went to check our broken car and took some our belongings in it. Now we will finally put it for sale, hope somebody buys it so we can buy a new one! *Sigh*, I still wish this would work, I miss our little street cruiser....
And finally Kake - one day he was standing still like a statue, just listening to the door ( some people were moving their things at the corridor). He looked so funny concentrated like this! O__O
Then I got on his way, and he continued staring standing on two feet ^__^ I laughed at him sooo much =DDD
Hah, noh huomenna duuniin ja niin eteenpäin. Täytynee alkaa kysellä lomastani, jonka ajattelin pitää elokuun lopussa. Päästään Kaken kanssa vähän junailemaan ja Jyväskyläänkin shoppailureissuille - siellä sain elämäni ensimmäiset ostoselämykset, ihanaa päästä takaisin Keski-Suomeen pitkästä aikaa - viimeks jouluna olen tainnut kotona päin vierailla. Mut eka edessä tylsä iltavuoroviikko, blaaah....

Tomorrow I`ll have a first evening shift at work, boring... BUT soon I`ll have a week- lasting vacation, which I will spend in Middle Finland with my family. So I will grab Kake with me and we`ll go there by train, after a looong time - I haven`t been at home since Christmas. Can`t wait.... ^^

lauantai 30. heinäkuuta 2011

Ebay time!!

Moikka! Tuli eilen istuttua myöhään koneella ja selailtua Ebayta - mulle se on yksi koukuttavimmista sivustoista, kräääh sitä kaikkee ihanuutta, mitä sieltä löytyy! Onneks mun tilitilanne antaa oikein kivasti periksi edelleen, ja palkkakin tulee taas ens viikolla =DD Eiköhän tää elämä ole kuitenkin liian lyhyt katumiseen  -suoraan sanottuna mä en ainakaan kadu yhtään mitään buahaa ;D Mutta illalla klikkailin siis kaikkea söpöä mikä vaikutti noh, sanotaan vaikka elämäntilanteeseen sopivalta ja yksinkertaisesti vain niin nätiltä... (Taidan silti olla tykästynyt hiukan - hm- itselleni jokseenkin sopimattomaan tyyliin. Nuo söpöt tavarat ja girly girly-sweet&happy- jutut ei tosielämässä täysin istu mulle, ei vastaa ainakaan omaa luonnettani tai suhtautumistani elämään tai ihmisiin, koska tää kaikkihan on tunnetusti yhtä isoa paskaläjää, ainakin useimmiten, hah. Älkää siis erehtykö luulemaan, että tyylini perusteella olen jokin sinisilmäinen tytteli, joka hyppii päivästä toiseen sateenkaarilla mitälie nallukoita talutellen. Niin kivaa kuin se oliskin XD Outo tyylien ja mielten yhteentörmäys tämä, tosiaan =O Creepy....)

Noh, back to Ebay!! Näille klikkasin buy it now.....

Hi! Yesterday I spent my whole evening on Ebay - I found so much great stuff there, and just couldn`t stop! Haha, it`s ok, I`m not financially broke yet, not at all =DD These are the things I said yes to.....

Some nail rhinestone wheels....
(I need new nail decos so bad! Wanna make pretty nails again, not just some mess I`ve done lately!)
Rabbit plush pendant to my cellphone ^^
New wallet!
A phone bag - my teddy is all broke already.
And a teddy hoodie - I actually ordered this a couple of weeks ago, so I expect it to come to me soon. I reaaally hope it fits, so cute!!
Nämä tällä erää. Nyt alan kehittelemään viikonloppua ja klipsimään pidennyksiä päähän jotta päästään ajoissa liikkeelle. Kohta täytynee muuten tehdä se lupaamani dieettiruokapostaus, koska oon huomaamattani pudottanut jo 3 kiloa, jeejee, tällä kertaa se olikin helpompaa kuin ikinä ^__^

maynababy.comNow I`ll start thinking what to do on weekend. First of all gonna start putting on my extensions cos it always takes its time. Soon I`ll do a post about my diet food as I promised, because I`ve lost 3 kilos already! Whoa, this time it was easier than ever before ^_^

torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2011

Blog AWARD, maxi DRESS and new NAILS

Hello. Yritän tässä etsiä uutta taustakuvaa blogiin, koska tää ulkoasu on edelleen vähän keskeneräinen ja ei ihan vastaa sitä, millaiselta haluisin tän näyttävän. Mut mulla alkoi tänään viikonloppu, ja laittelin äsken vähän tukkaan pinkkiä sen kunniaksi - taidan hakea huomenna toiset pidennykset Cyberista, jotka värjään sitten pinkiksi >> niin olis tää mun hirvittävä tukkapulmakin ratkaistu.

Tän laitan nyt, koska ehdin, eli sain PinkPINKiltä Lovely Blog Awardin vähän aikaa sitten, KIITOS siitä! =)) En ollut unohtanut vaan oon kirjoitellut liian kiireessä. Mutta tässä tämä nyt =))

I got this lovely blog award a while ago! =)) 

The rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award and share the giver`s blog link
2. Give this to the next 10 blogs
3. Let the awarded bloggers know about this award

I guess everybody would deserve this, but I`m in a lack of time again so I give this for these great blogs:
1. Passion for nails
2. Nenacho
3. Dreaming is believing

And then..... the picturesss ^^

This lovely new dress is from Cruel Age - finally, finally I got a maxi dress!!! ^^ BTW it looks so much better in real life.
It is two- layered chiffon with cute details *-*

Also did new nails finally - I´m always in a some kind of hurry - or stress at least - so didn`t spend much time on these. Still, had to get some BLINGBLINGGGG*****

Most of all I love that little bowknot in my middle finger =)
New top.... ;D
And it also started raining so hard today, I as finally forced to buy a new umbrella. Found it in pink, well that`s convenient ^^
Gaah, toivottavasti mulla olis joskus aikaa tehdä postaus rauhassa ja tekstit harkiten, ettei tulis taas tällaista mössöö. Mutta koska en halua viettää koko iltaa tv`n / tietsikan ääressä, plus pitäis vielä lähteä toteuttamaan yhteistä ilalllista meille ( ei olla kokattu koko kesänä! =O), niin moro, palaillaan taas =DD

Hopely I`ll have more time to post in the future - so I could do proper texts and all, this was again a little bit this and that. But I dont wanna spend my whole evening in the computer, and we should go cooking dinner, so bye for now and see ya!

keskiviikko 27. heinäkuuta 2011

New Ebay Dress

Moro ihmiset. Mulla olis nyt sellainen tilanne, että tekee ihan hel*****ti mieli ranskalaisia. Eeeen, en aio tuhota tätä mun healthy dietiä, mut kai sitä unelmoida saa.... Tekee niin pirusti mieli fättiä ja perunaa sen kuumimmassa muodossaan... Mutta ei. Periaate on kunniakysymys, joten vetäydyn ja jätän ihanat poimuiseni odottamaan parempia aikoja, niin.... =P

Mun viikkoni on lähtenyt käyntiin töillä, ja ens viikolla alkaa iltavuorot, joten taitaa niiden aikana olla vähän vaikeampi postailla näin usein. Muuten ei mitteen uutta täällä - mennään siis kuviin.....

Hello folks. First of all, I have to tell you I lust for french fries soooo much right now.... No, I´m not going to ruin my diet, not at all, just dreaming and torturing myself, yeah, stupidity makes me more attractive..... Uh, or something.... =O But this is a matter of honor, and I definitely wont start eating fatty foods now, no no no! 
My week has been nothing but work. Next week will start my evening shifts, so I guess then I wont be able to post as often. But hey, lets see the pictures of today....

Ostoksia.... Ihania alevöitä =))
Shoppings.... lovely belts from sale =))
Vihdoinkin löysin uudet lenkkarit, ja nää on just sopivan naisellisetkin. Arvatkaapa kuka sai nää -70% jeejeejee!
Finally I got new comfy shoes, they`re feminine enough and also 70% off....
Ripset ja vaaleanpunainen kynsilakka - nää mun piti hankkia ja viikkoja sitten ^^
Lashes and a pink nail polish - I was supposed to buy them weeks ago hah ^^
Ja tää MEKKO tuli tällä viikolla Ebaysta =)) Iloinen yllätys oli, varsinkin kun ostossa oli ongelmia myyjän kanssa, olin varautunut ettei se koskaan saavu mulle asti. Mut tää oli JUST IHANA, täysin sopivakin *__*
This cuuuute dress from Ebay arrived this week - I was sooo happy, I thought it would take much longer! It fits perfectly and I LOVE IT! *__* 
Ostin myös uudet feikkicrocsit kotikengiksi - vähän myöhässä, mutta näiden tarpeessa olen tosiaan ollut. Must nää oli tosi nätit ja blingiäkin löytyy haha ^__^
New (fake) crocs for my home shoes. I could have really needed these this summer! I think these are pretty, they even got some bling going on ^^ 
Tänään päätin vähän kokeilla uusia ripsiä, ja halusin samalla testata uusiks gyaru- meikkiä, se nyt vaan on niiiin söpö lookki ja haluun oppia tekemään sen =DD
I wanted to test these new lashes and also decided to try doing gyaru make-up again - it´s just such a cute look, I wish I could learn how to do that well =D
No, meikki oli jälleen vähän kuin failure, tuli jälleen yksi iso sotku - ja nyt tajusin miksi: täytynee hankkia parempi musta luomari, tää nykyinen ei tee muuta kuin sotkee ja saa aikaan järkyttävää suttua! Mut ripset oli ihanat, ne oli esiliimatut >> eipä ole koskaan ennen ripsien laitto ollut näin helppoa! =D
Well, as always, the make-up failed again, it was such a mess as usual ^^ Haha I can never make it work, never! But I loved the lashes, they were perfect and so easy to use....  

This new dress looked soooo good with crocs......
>>>>>>>>> NONO, JUST KIDDING!! =DD
But with my new black sneakers the match was better ;D
Tää mekko on vaan niin ihana ahh! Valkoisena sen piti mulle tulla, mut väri oli loppu ja sainkin mustan. Oikeestaan paljon parempi!
I cant help it - I`m totally in love with this dress. I was supposed to get it in white, but they didn`t have it anymore so I got the black one. I think this one is actually better!
Ensi kerralla ehdin ehkä kiharrella pidennyksiäkin. Käyn huomenna hakemassa vähän pinkkiä tukkaan, kun en kestä tätä  vaaleaa enää.... Mutta nyt kun näen noi pidennykset, tulee taas epäilyksiä.... ÄÄRRG enkö mä vaan voi saada kaikkea kerralla!!?
Next time I`ll curl my extensions, too =) Tomorrow I`ll buy some pink to my hair, cos I can`t stand this blond hair anymore.... Hmm, it`s just now when I see those extensions, I`m having doubts about that pink again.... ARGH can`t I just get everything I want at the same time..:?!!

All right, going to eat some potatoes now! No no, not french fries haha, I just boiled some summer potatoes and eat them with nothing. They taste so great *nomnomnom*!! Have a great end of the week everybody! Ps. My weekend starts tomorrow, yess!! I`ll have so many things in mind.... =DDDDD
.....oh, and give me OPINIONS of anything, love them, they`re always welcomed! Thanks cuties!!

tiistai 26. heinäkuuta 2011

Road trip

Pööh. Vielä jäi sunnuntai havainnolistamatta, joten tässä vähän kuvia. Oli tosi lämmin ja hieno päivä, eikä sateesta enää tietoakaan =D Ja me tehtiin jotain hyvin, hyvin hölmöä sinä päivänä...

Boo, I still haven`t showed you what happened on Sunday. It was a very warm day, and we did something silly that day.... Well, here`s the footage:

The day started fine with this tasty grilled chicken breast Sub =P
I felt like having a dessert, so I tried Chiquita smoothie. Yumm again ( or as I tend to say: YAMMY! Just love that word, I think I picked it from those Arnold`s Yammy donuts haha) Sorry about my boring outfit, I was quite tired and didn`t care about my look that day...
Then we took a bus and went to Mylly, it`s a department store in Raisio. I got a great surprise when I found  a new clothing store there, called Cubus. This is what I tried on, but didn`t buy - don`t know why, I think this top might have looked sooo good coordinated with something else - other white stuff, maybe...
Oh yes - after shopping for 3 hours my feet were killing me..... and then we decided to WALK HOME from Raisio! You know, it meant about 17 km  ( about 10,5 miles) long walk...
Passing Sohvamaailma - they sell couches-, and still a very long way to go...
After walking an hour the bottoms of my feet started ache more - I only had those little slippers on, yes =O I have to admit I started feel a little desperate. And no local buses pass that Helsinki highway, so we couldn`t cheat =D
So we kept on walking.... after 2 hours I saw this sign, which told us it`s only 6 km to ABC - that`s not too far from home anymore! .... But far enough to the next toilet, noooo....
Found this little algae river, oh I could have just dropped there, the weather was so warm and my feet needed a break! Too bad it was that dirty ^^ 
Oh, maybe we could just catch the train?? Jump on a roof or sthing... =D
This is the new prison of Turku. Hmm.... is it just me, or does that look comfy to you too??
Maybe we could use their bathroom...
What the hell? This odd building called Shell just bumped right at our noses. YAYAAA bathroooom and waterrrr!
After 3 hours of walking I had to get some food!! Bought this chicken barbeque panini, and oh it was ***HEAVEN***.... Wasn`t actually a fat free product, but I only ate half of it ^^ 
It was so nice to sit down, but we had to keep going, still had enough kilometres left. This bridge was such a relief, we saw Citymarket there, which ment we could finally turn away from that Helsinki road and start walking towards home....
The sun was setting already. Only 30 minutes to home, and feet hurt like hell....
Chill out time *__*
And finally.... we were the champions of a road trip.
..... Actually there`s still few kilometers left til home, but who`s counting anymore haha....^^