Viikonloppu oli ( tavallaan....) tapahtumaköyhää aikaa meillä päin, joten heitän jälleen asukuvia kehiin. Toisaalta, mun weekendini jatkuu huomisellekin, joten voisin alkaa vähän miettiä mitä tekisin tuolla yksityisellä vaparillani =DD Hömm, oon liian väsynyt kirjoittelemaan, koska heräsin tuossa äskettäin, joten taidan tästä vain latailla niitä kuvia...
My weekend was actually quite boring, so I`ll just show you some outfit photos again. Sorry, just woke up so I`m too tired to write right now, no storytelling this time... ;D
♥ ♥ ♥ Me with my new dress!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Awww so CUTE isn`t it?? It`s from Modtex, Skanssi. |
To me this almost almost looks like a cosplay dress haha ^_^ Going to wear it today ofc! |
Yesterday I was wearing only black - nothing else looked good that day... =__= |
We ate at a Chinese fast food restaurant - this dish was quite small, but extremely tasty I think! I already messed up the whole plate before taking this picture, but this was beef with Chinese mushrooms. Simple and great! =P |
At Modtex I tried on this dress, too. I loved how it looked like, but on me it wasn`t that flattering, maybe the size was too small for me ^^
My weekend nails - I think they turned out pretty nice ^^ I had some problems with them, ofc, but those cutie flowers saved my handmade french manicure O__O ♥ ♥ ♥ |
Yes, maybe next time I`ll file my nails smoother, too haha ^__^ God I`ve become such a lazy ass nail maker...
Have to go to shower now! .... Oh I just realized how refreshing it is not having a little hangover on a Sunday morning haha! XD Didn`t feel like having beer last night, just watched some great movies all night >> I liked Pan`s Labyrinth *__*
Hiano toi seppiksen vyö ! Ostettiinko me harrin kans sulle Pan`s labyrinth joskus lahjaksi vai katoitko sen tvstä ? Meiän ainaki piti ostaa se sulle, se on yks mun lempparileffoista =) Ihan törkeen hyvä :---) -M
VastaaPoistaJoo, se on mun lempparivyö paitsi et on jo hajalla, hö =/ Ihan tv`stä katoin sen leffan, mä varmaan joskus kerroin teille et haluaisin nähdä sen =D Mut siis en ollut nähnyt aikasemmin, hyvä oli ^^
VastaaPoistalove the first dress! it is so cute! ^__^
VastaaPoistaand your nails look lovely! <3
Thank you! I know it`s just too cute isn`t it?^^